Sunday, May 16, 2010

Todd and Ashley Wedding Preview

Dear Todd and Ashley,

I am so glad you put your faith in me and entrusted the photography of your special day with me and Mark. Todd is such a nice guy, always smiling and completely head over heels for you-- it's obvious. The two of you were so fun to shoot and like I said before I was just too excited to relive all the fun I personally had at your wedding that I just couldn't help myself and finished your blog preview in just a day!!! Seeing everyone from Outcomes again was nice as well and the party was great! My only hope is that you LOVE your images and that you enjoy them for many years to come. Thank you again for everything and for giving me the opportunity to witness the love that you both share-- it was a true honor!

Best wishes in Alaska and life,

Elizabeth and Mark

Ashley and Todd

I had a blast at your wedding! I laughed so much that my sides hurt! I just couldn't wait to look at the pictures so I'm downloading them all now. This is one of my favorites of the sunset and the two of you! I hope you LOVE Alaska and take lots of pictures!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

SPC Studios Exhibit Promotion

Elizabeth Keel, "From the Deep", 2010

SPC Studios is a collection of students from Saint Petersburg College and we are having a show to exhibit some of the works from our upper class photo students! The range of work is exquisite so you won't want to miss it!

For more information regarding this wonderful show please email me and I will get the details to you! Thanks for participating and I hope you enjoy our hard work!

Asia and Anton Love!

I can't say enough about how much I really loved being a part of your day! Again, God bless you and your family! Please enjoy these images!


Kristal and Justin Wedding

Kristal and Justin,

To say I love you guys is an understatement! From the moment Kristal stepped into my life I got a taste of what it was like to have two incredibly loud people in the same room and I loved it! From her powerful imagery in her own photography to her fiesty personality I was hooked! I've had so much fun getting to be friends with you two and getting to know your family and I hope that we stay friends for a long time. You two are so fun, so fresh that I just couldn't resist bringing my camera to your wedding (as if I could help myself!)! I love your daughter and I love you both and Mark and will always be here for you if you ever need anything! Kristal I loved, LOVED the red and black even though I was skeptical at first but you looked amazing in your dress and Justin looked awesome as well!

See you soon and I hope you like a preview of some of the images I took at your wedding and by God, please give me that amazing potato recipe!

-Elizabeth and Mark